About Me

My photo
introverted and extroverted. writer and musician. crazy and calm. listener and speaker. screwed up and perfect. unnoticed and the center of attention. quiet and loud. black and white. find the shades of grey.

try to find the color in this black and white world.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

...i need to gtfo blogspot.
so not doing homework 'til 11.

what up.
...i wanna reblog so badly... but i can't.


i feel like this is just super legit.

by the way matt, if you see this, the only reason i'm on blogger/blogspot is for you.

...just getting that out there.

...i'm on tumblr if you need me, and basically i'm just re-posting pictures on this shit for no one at all... but the funny thing is i'm not gonna tell you guys my tumblr. you're not cool enough for that shit yet and i don't trust blogger.

tumblr > blogger

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

blogger fucking sucks.
just putting it out there.

tumblr is where it's at kids.

i don't even know why i'm saying this.

no one fucking cares.
